If you got it, flaunt, that’s been his POV for more than a decade. Floyd Mayweather aka “Money” Mayweather musta thought we forgot…because he sent out a social media blast on his IG which kept us abreast of his cash-flow.

He sat, impassively faced, as stacks of bills, wads of green, lay on a table before him. The caption read:

As you can imagine, the reaction was mixed.
One former fighter, Ishe Smith, made clear his stance on that post, and the messaging embraced by the 42 year old, who most figure will announce this year that he will come back to do another fight, in one format or another.

And I won’t pretend, I’m with Smith. I would clap heartily if Floyd saw that light, and went the other direction, from flaunting the stacks, to announcing with pride what Smith is referring to. Scholarships, etc. And I do believe someday he will get there.
Admission… I weighed in, noting that all those stacks didn’t have Floyd LOOKING happy in the pic. Of course, he might be the most secure and joyful being inside and those piles might indeed be fueling much of his inner joy. We don’t know, he’s not one to open up to media, and talk about his inner workings….
One thing we do KNOW: this sort of post keeps Floyd on maps. He turns 43 in February, last fought New Year’s Eve, in an exhibition in Japan, and before that in 2017, August of, against Conor McGregor. Some view that as an exhibition, because the MMAer was 0-0 as a pro boxer entering. Floyd is 50-0, but for a guy who fights of so rarely, he’s still able to stay impressively buzz-y. Witness:

Floyd Mayweather story in the July 7, 2019 edition of the NY Post.
That is a pic of page 23 in the Sunday, July 7 NY Post newspaper. ‘”Cashing’ Up With Mayweather,” read the headline…
42, and not an active fighter, doesn’t stay in the game as a trainer, or commentator, pops up now and again wearing his promoter hat, but still talked about and buzzed about…
Man probably is just giving us what we want, because, really, would him starting a scholarship program get as much ink as bragging about the bags? Rhetorical question…
Maybe that would be better for the soul, but that’s for him to figure out, we are just outside looking in.
And looking, that is the point. Floyd’s still got it, in the buzz-conjuring department.