Here’s a tidbit which you young trainers, heck, you old hands, can take and run with, courtesy of Stephen “Breadman”Edwards, tutor to Julian Williams, who snagged junior middleweight title belts off Jarrett Hurd Saturday night in Virginia, and on FOX.
Remember, Williams took his first L smack dab in the peak mean-time of social media, in 2016, as boxing Twitter ramped up to a new level of nasty flippancy. Edwards churns out gold on the subject of Twitter, IG and the like:
“I tell them don’t listen to that shit,” Edwards said. “Me and Julian got trolls and stalkers on social media. I block about ten people a week. I tell him, ‘Don’t listen to it, mute it, turn it off. And the only thing he needs to believe in is what he thinks about himself, what I think about him and his faith and his religion. You don’t have to worry about the other nonsense. A kid that’s on social media all the time, he’s looking for some type of validation. And that’s dangerous. Whenever I see a fighter that’s always posting on social media, all times of night, he’s looking for some type of validation, some type of attention….there’s a self gratification he’s looking for on social media. And that’s no good. Social media ruins these fighters. Nobody understands that, and the promotional companies use that as promotion, and I get it and I understand it, but there’s too many peope that can say things about you and you’re not held accountable for…and it’ll ruin your self esteem if you’re not careful.”
The whole chat is chock-full of sagacity from the “Breadman,” who tells us how he’s come to this place, where he is now one of the leading voices in the game in the sphere of combining old school values and sensibility with new age and current takes on matters of the day. Give it a listen….
Founder/editor Michael Woods got addicted to boxing in 1990, when Buster Douglas shocked the world with his demolition of the then-impregnable Mike Tyson.
The Brooklyn-based journalist has covered the sport since for ESPN The Magazine,, Bad Left Hook and RING. His journalism career started with NY Newsday in 1999.
Michael Woods is also an accomplished blow by blow and color man, having done work for Top Rank, DiBella Entertainment, EPIX, and for Facebook Fightnight Live, since 2017.