Manny Pacquiao, a legend. Not much more else to say about a legend of the game. 8 division World Champion who still holds a version of the World title.
His next opponent, Adrien Broner. Broner is an undoubted talent, with exquisite skills, however, his general application to the sport has been questioned at times by many, with many publicly witnessed incidences that can’t help the progression of his career.
This fight could be called time vs timing for a multiple of reasons. When will Father Time catch up with Manny Pacquiao? And will Adrien Broner be Father Time? Possibly!
Pacquiao has had a fantastic career but has had wars. He has looked on and off in recent years, but many would still consider the Philippine legend as an elite fighter. Will Pacquiao still be as sharp as he once was against Broner? Will his punch output, his power, his footwork be anything close to what it once was?
Only time will tell!
Broner has time on his side, along with impeccable timing. Broner does construct his punch output excellently. His combination punching is very precise, he doesn’t rush his punches and capitalises on your mistakes. Is Pacquiao tailor-made for his style? I’m not so sure, as two aggressive fighters Broner with high punch outputs Broner has fought have beaten him, in Shawn Porter and Marcos Maidana.
Despite the above, Broner has always performed well against smaller fighters in lower weight classes, with Antonio DeMarco being the best performance of ‘The Problem’s’ career. With Pacquiao being naturally lighter than Broner, this may be an advantage for the Cincinnati Slickster.
In ones opinion, Father Time will be the only thing that beats Pacquiao, not the timing of Adrien Broner. I believe that Pacquiao still has enough in the tank to out work, out smart and outpoint Adrien Broner. However, I feel this fight is an excellent fight that could be an absolute blockbuster!