ALERT: The Gleason’s Gym Master Clinic is OFF, and the new dates will be announced, pending government approval.
Most of you know, with uncertainty swirling with the continued spread of COVID in various pockets of the world, many folks are unsure of whether traveling is a smart play now. So, better safe than sorry, that’s the thinking of Gleason’s boss Bruce Silverglade.
Watch this space, we will share with you as soon we know when COVID is in that rear view mirror enough to re-set the session.
The results are in, the track record is there, it is clear: exercising, like what is done in the famed and fabled Gleason’s Gym, is good for the mind and body.
Yes, even during THESE times.
They are masked up at Gleason’s, they clean and disinfectant like maniacs at that DUMBO institution and the gym is cleaner than any boxing gym has a right to be…But in fact, MUST BE, because of COVID.

No one is saying that things are back to “normal,” by the way, but it feels like we are edging that way.
As an example, the news that Gleason’s Gym will have their annual Master’s Clinic is something that has to make people who realize the import of Bruce’s house very thankful.
2020 Master’s Clinic Is Almost Here!
Yes, over a three-day weekend, on December 11, 12, and 13, you can take part in a boxing clinic, taught by Hall of Famers and World Champions, in Brooklyn, NYC.
Here’s a portion of the message the gym is sending out, to help spread the word on the clinic:
“You can enjoy yourself in New York City at Christmas time. Bring your better half and do your shopping. See the amazing Holiday displays throughout the five boroughs.
During the day you will experience a boxing clinic put on by Gleason’s finest Hall of Fame Champions, World Champions both past and current, and ranked World-Class Trainers. Training and seminars will start at 1:00 PM on Friday and will end at 12:00 Noon on Sunday.
There will be three days of boxing basics resulting in participants being granted a certificate.
Topics covered will include but not limited to:
Head Movement
Mental preparation
“Tricks of the pros”
Jab-closing the distance against tall opponents
Getting out of the corner
Cutting off the ring
Strategies for older boxers
Basics-daily and weekly workout routine-speed bag-double end bag
Using angles
NOTE: Sparring is prohibited in New York State.
So, if you are interested please contact Bruce Silverglade by phone or email at (718) 797-2872 or
The cost of the clinic is $369.00.
Yes, I do think this makes a HELLUVA Christmas gift, or holiday treat, for a loved one…or, hell, yourself.
We know, I think, a bit better now, that we all live one time, so we might as well cross things off our bucket list, because tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Click HERE for more information.
CLICK HERE for a story which gives you a good sense of what goes on at the Masters Clinic.