Yes, Roy Jones Will Punch Back
By Michael Woods Yesterday and today, guys are asking themselves, shall I go for it? Shall I step in the ring with Roy Jones, swing for...
“The Best Publicist”
By Michael Woods Hey, you might want to check out this Q n A done by ex Sports Illustrated writer Jeff Pearlman, the John Rocker guy....
SALITA: Fighter, Promoter, Now Author
Promoter, fighter…and now Dmitriy Salita can add “author” to his resume. “B Is For Boxing,” an illustrated children’s book which will help kids learn their A-B-Cs,...
This Time, Tarver Loses
By Michael Woods They fought last August and battled to a draw. They fought again on Thursday, and this time, Steve Cunningham had his hand raised...
Amateur Show At Gleason’s SAT.
Our Next Amateur Boxing Show is this Saturday Evening, February 13 The gym will close at 4:00PM on Saturday to accommodate the show. Join us on,...
Arum Dumps on Trump
By Bill Dwyre Wednesday brought another boxing news conference and another masterpiece of salesmanship and jaw-dropping from the master of that, Bob Arum. Arum is the...
Pencil In 11-19 For Kovalev-Ward
By Michael Woods Put it on your calendar. Circle it. Nov. 19. Kovalev vs Ward… But do me a favor… Use pencil. Because this boxing thing,...
SOB! No GGG in NYC April 23
By Mickey Woods So sorry, NYC area fight fans. You will have to travel to LA to see Gennady Golovkin in person in his next fight....
Ward on Barrera, Kovalev
By Michael Woods WEDNESDAY NIGHT UPDATE: This Sullivan Barrera, give the guy points for consistency. He needled Andre Ward as he worked to secure this fight,...
Will Ward Foe Be Sullivan Spoiler?
By Michael Woods Sullivan the Spoiler, that’s what he wants to be. Sullivan Barrera wants to wreck the best laid plans of Andre Ward, and all...
Mayweather’s Coming Back
By Michael Woods The man is coming back. It’s not if, it’s when. He’s sending signals, last week, this week. Floyd Mayweather’s “retirement” won’t last the...
“Detroit Brawl” Scores A Knockout
By Michael Woods Disclosure first: I worked on the show, doing blow by blow for GOFIGHTLIVE, and I consider the promoter, Dmitriy Salita, a friend… But...
Events Galore at Gleason’s
Five Exciting Events at Gleason’s Gym Something for Everyone February 11-13, 2016 Gleason’s Gym will host the eighth annual Masters Clinic and boxing show. The cost...
Watch “Detroit Brawl” TONIGHT
Long Island, NY/Detroit, MI (February 6, 2016) – Tonight, from the Masonic Temple in Detroit, Michigan, Salita Promotions presents the Detroit Brawl. The action will be...
Tony Thompson Gets Luis Ortiz
By Michael Woods He asked, it was answered. Sunday night, he got the call and he didn’t hesitate: Damn right, I want the fight! March 5,...
Canelo Vs. Khan is On
By Michael Woods Well this one dropped out of the clear blue sky… You knew Amir Khan wanted a big buzz fight, wanted a stepup purse...
Haymon Boxing Asserts Well Being
By Michael Woods The reports of the imminent demise of Haymon Boxing and PBC have been rampant after a quarterly report from their money backers came...
Salita Helping Flint
By Michael Woods Dmitriy Salita is a world class boxer, a rising promotional force, and a friend. I will work the blow by blow chair for...
By Michael Woods Just in case you weren’t sure if his heart contained more than a hint of darkness, after Sergey Kovalev whacked around Jean Pascal...
Insights on #KovalevPascal, Boxer/Shrink
By Dan Sapen First, it is a pleasure to join Michael Woods and the readers and staff of NYFights. I look forward to good old-fashioned fight...