Felix Verdejo, age 30, has been found guilty of kidnapping, and causing the death of an unborn child, stemming from a horrific incident in 2021.
The now former fighter on Friday heard the news, that a jury of his peers in Puerto Rico determined he and a cohort kidnapped a girlfriend of Verdejo, Keishla Rodriguez.
The 27 year old woman was carrying their love child, and Verdejo’s wife learned of the affair.
Verdejo reacted by fashioning a plot to silence Keishla.
As the verdict was read, the Rodríguez family reacted emotionally, some crying.
Felix Verdejo Accomplice Also Guilty
Luis Antonio Cádiz, who aided Felix Verdejo in this ghoulish escapade, acted as principle witness for the prosecution.
He pled guilty, admitting that the two conspired to kill Rodriguez and her fetus.
The dastardly men met on April 28th, 2021, the the day before the murder, and plotted. Cádiz said Verdejo promised him money for his help in the brutish double slaying.
Nicknamed “El Diamante”, the former boxer represented Puerto Rico at the 2012 Olympic Games.
As a professional, Verdejo had a respectable record of 27 wins, 2 loses, and 17 KOs.
His last fight came on December 12th, 2020, when he was defeated by Japan’s Masayoshi Nakatani.
Four months later he would be arrested and charged with the kidnapping and murder of Keishla Rodriguez. Click here for more info on the trial.
For his crimes, Felix Verdejo faces a max sentence of life in prison. His sentencing is set to take place November 3.