I try to be a progressive sort, act the right way, do the right thing, in the grand scheme of things. That means treat others as I myself wants to be treated, be respectful and not unkind.
Sometimes, I fail.
For instance, when I see and hear of politicians, people elected by the masses to represent them, do their bidding, acting in a corrupted and cruel fashion, I get salty.
It angers me, and I feel loathing toward them.
I actually think such a reaction, to people who are public servants but in fact are shattering their oath on a daily basis, isn’t out of bounds. I think we as citizens could and should exhibit more “righteous anger” in the direction of such miscreants. Such as, when people take to public town halls, and “greet” with focused ire their representative who just voted for a “health care” bill which would kick 24 million people off insurance and offers no actual alternative, let alone one which would be “cheaper” and “better,” as the current President promised.
Let ‘em have it, I say. Let anger be your guide, then, because it is OK to be wickedly disgusted by such wolves wearing sheep’s clothes.
Which brings me to “America’s Dad,” as he was long ago known, Bill Cosby. The aged comedian is today in a PA court-room, fending off allegations that he drugged and molested a woman who came to him for counsel back in 2004. Jurors heard testimoney from the woman, who said that Cosby gave her three pills which he did not name, asked her to drink wine, and then molested her when she was unconscious. Lest any one of you is the type to quickly take the contrarian track and defend the 79 year old ex funnyman, who maintains he is blind, know that there is a laundry list of other ladies who have come forward to allege Cosby did this hit and run scumbag move on them as well.
I’m not always an eye for an eye guy, but lord, in this case, I hope it comes to that. Cosby permanently scarred the lives of dozens of women, it looks like, and he deserves to spend the rest of his life in jail…and if there is an after life, he should be locked up there, too.
Shame on Cosby lawyer Angela Agrusa for taking his case, shame on his backers and enablers and anyone who hasn’t ditched this monstrous being.

Team Cosby blocked me from following him on Twitter. Hey…Team Trump did too! What’s up with that?
Yeah, I know this isn’t a boxing story, but forgive me, it is one that touches on FIGHTING. Fighting to make clear that this sort of behavior is beyond intolderable, fighting to make clear that such Cosby conduct, and the other principle-free behaviors we see from so many people in power today, is grotesque, and will not be accepted any longer.
In this current climate, lots of us are waiting to see that justice can still be affirmed, that due process can unfold and bad actors can be taken to task, and good can triumph over evil and toxic selfishness. You are going down, Cosby, you dreadful being, and I will be pleased when the pronouncement is announced to the court: